Hager Electro
Modern distribution center for the supply of electrotechnical installation equipment
With its innovative, modular product range for residential and commercial buildings, Hager is one of the leading manufacturers of voltage distribution and electrical equipment. The solutions for voltage distribution, plus a groundbreaking customer training concept, for customers all around the world, puts Hager at the top of this sector.
Hager Electro GmbH + Co. KG,
66440 Blieskastel | Germany
6 sprinter AS/RS stacker cranes(each with 2 LHDs), 20,200 trays, 3 goods-in stations, 6 order picking stations, 5 packing stations, 14 »consolidation« workstations, 14 workstations for very large items, ~ 350 m pallet conveyor technology,selektron MFC,selektron WMS
Design criteria
In order to satisfy the increasing market requirements, Hager realized a new distribution center at the company location in Blieskastel/Germany. All deliveries, with destination Germany and northeast Europe, are now handled at this facility. The floor space of the new building is approx. 98 x 66.5 m, with a clear height of 9 m. The existing high bay warehouse, and the production plus goods-in areas, have been connected to the new building with a psb conveyor system for pallets.
The solution
An automated small parts warehouse with 6 sprinterAS/RS miniload cranes, each equipped with 2 load handling devices, represents the central warehouse for storing approx. 20,200 trays; the system installation also includes supply conveyors, 3 goods-in stations, 6 order picking stations (where parallel picking, with up to 8 orders at the same time is possible), plus 14 »consolidation« stations on the ground floor (picked bulk items are merged with the respective small parts). 14 packing stations for loading pallets, including special-purpose packing stations, and packing stations for very large items, are also integrated, as well as a direct connection to the truck loading area. The existing high bay warehouse, production and goods-in have been linked to different areas in the new building with a conveyor system for pallets (approx. 350 m conveyor technology). The material flow between the individual areas is coordinated by selektron MFC; the warehouse management is controlled by selektron WMS.