Peter Hahn

Peter Hahn

A trolleyless overhead transport system is installed in a new receiving area, in order to meet the growing business demands

For almost 50 years, Peter Hahn, internationally established retailer for ladies and menswear, has been a high quality label. The whole product range is sent from the company’s location in Winterbach/Germany to the customers, as well as to Peter Hahn’s own stores.


Peter Hahn GmbH
73650 Winterbach | Germany


Trolleyless transport system with grid conveyor, hanger conveyor and Power&Free hanger conveyor

Design criteria

In order to be prepared for the increasing market demands, the receiving area for hanging items had to be structured more efficiently; the existing trolley conveyor system had to be replaced by an automated, trolleyless system. Furthermore, the storage capacity in the receiving buffer had to be enhanced.

The solution

The existing trolley conveyor system has been replaced by a newly designed automated, trolleyless transport system. In the receiving area, a telescope is utilized for unloading the items, which can be directly pushed onto an S-shape conveyor (Power&Free hanger conveyor). The items are counted by a hanger counter. On the upper floor, the goods are transferred to a grid conveyor, which automatically distributes the articles to the QC buffer lanes (quality check). There, the goods are buffered until they are released. In the non-automated area, manual tracks are employed. After several manual processes have been finished (re-hanging, sorting, checking, etc.), the items are transported, by a grid conveyor, to four different target areas.
