Flexible production of large drives
SEW-EURODRIVE is one of the world leading manufacturers and suppliers in electrical drives technology.
76646 Bruchsal | Germany
High-bay warehouse (for pallets/pallet cages) in rack-supported building, with goods-in (manufacturing area), quality check incl.storage and retrieval, 5 order picking stations, 4 packing stations, discharge of empty bins, goods-in and goods-out (assembly area),stationsfor unassigned items, warehouse for trays(AKL) with goods-in, incl. 3 repacking stations, 1 quality check station, 4 order picking stations, small parts warehouse with repacking station, selektron®
Design criteria
Due to economic aspects, a new manufacturing plant for industrial drives was designed »on a greenfield site«, for the production and storage of large drives. The intralogistics technology was designed and implemented by psb. Within the complex system, goods for the supply of the ultramodern production facility for large drives are collected and stored – just-in-time.
The solution
The total integrated system consists of a fully-automated warehouse for pallets (5 aisles) and a fully-automated warehouse for trays (3 aisles). A large variety of materials flows on approximate 750 m wide pallet conveyor technology, and 350 m of tray conveyors. Special feature is the fully-automated loading of roll racks through shuttle cars, which are powered by »non-contact« energy transfer and energy recovery systems. Sophisticated safety features allow for the automatic loading of the roll racks through a shuttle car and, afterwards, the manual connection of the roll racks with an electric transport vehicle. By means of the so-called »logistics train« this transport vehicle supplies the provided items just-in-time to the production and assembly facilities. The material flows are controlled by the psb software selektron MFC, with an interface to the existing SAP ERP system. The comprehensive psb SCADA software system visualizes the large-scale plant, thus allowing for displaying all the operating stages in depth. This system even provides access to wiring diagrams, or article parameters of each individual electronic component, thus enabling SEW staff to have all information, within a few seconds »just by one click«.