The new psb speedpick – Fast 1:1 order picking
The new speedpick by psb intralogistics is an economical and powerful 1:1 order picking solution that completes the psb picking systems portfolio for various performance and handling requirements.
A key advantage of this »goods to person« workstation with one source and one target is that there is no walking time during picking. It suits perfectly for operations in the retail sector as well as for e-commerce and omnichannel applications.
The tote stop positions of both, source and target totes, are at a 45° angle to the operator. The respective presentation of both totes on the roller conveyors plus the optional adaptability of the working height provide ergonomic relief for the operator.
The physical proximity of source and target as well as their fast supply and evacuation with totes allow picking rates of up to 600 picks per hour. The respective picking order with article and number of items to be picked is displayed on a screen. And finally, the powered swivel roller technology used in the workstation offers a high level of functional reliability.