psb extends the assembly line of the motor production for DB Schenker
At site Salzgitter, DB Schenker Logistics supplies the assembly line for the engine plant of a big German automobile manufacturer with a bespoke solution from psb Intralogistics, Pirmasens. Already, after two successful years, a comprehensive extension of this system is now in the starting blocks.
The increased demands of the automobile manufacturer required the extension of the functional areas »highbay storage« and »automated small parts store«. With the increase of capacity and output, DB Schenker is able to arrange, optimally, the processes of the plant future supply.
The functional area, highbay storage, built in a silo construction, supplies the assembly lines with large load carriers. It also serves as replenishment storage, for the automated small parts store and buffers the empty large load carriers, which return from the production line. The 9-aisles highbay storage, with a two-storied pre-zone, comprises of more than 25.000 compartments.
With the now realized extension, a new hall will be connected to the existing highbay storage, where the tour preparation, for the large load carriers and for the empty bin handling, will be handled in future. Furthermore, the highbay storage will be extended with four loading and unloading stations at the ground floor, six preparation lanes at the upper floor and additionally a conveyor connection from the upper floor into the ground floor, for empty large load carriers.
The functional area »automated small parts store« guarantees the just-in-time-supply of the assembly lines, with small load carriers. Considering the given bin mix, the existing 5-aisles automated small parts store will be extended in a new hall with further five aisles. Thus, the small parts store reaches a low six-digit compartment number as a total capacity. Here, the large load carriers may be stored double-stacked with different basic measurements of 300 x 200 mm, 400 x 300 mm and 600 x 400 mm.
The extension of the conveyor technology has been designed in such a way, that every area of the small parts store is reachable from every goods-in station. Additionally, each of the four existing and four new stations can be supplied from both small parts store areas. Thus, a very flexible with resilient designed system utilization is realized.
In order to react flexibly to added increasing performance requirements, a further extension of four further small parts store aisles with additional stations, for the tour preparation, is already an inherent part of the system design.