psb retrofit in WASGAU cold store for bread and pastries
The WASGAU Produktions & Handels AG [production and trading enterprise] is one of only a few independent food retailers in Germany. 90 WASGAU stores are located, with a regional focus, in southwestern Germany.
psb received the order for an extensive retrofit of the automatic cold store for bread and pastries, which has been in operation since the year 2000. After intensive consultations, it was jointly decided to realize a new psb maxloader AS/RS stacker crane for pallets. A retrofit of the mechanical and controls of the existing stacker crane (supplied by another supplier) would have been very time consuming and cost prohibitive, not least due to the required working temperature of -28°C.
The load handling device, to be intalled on the psb maxloader, will be an enhanced pallet shuttle for up to »five-deep« storage (five pallets behind each other). The energy for the shuttles will be provided by super charging capacitors. In this way, neither conducting bus bars in each channel, nor the previously used cable systems are required anymore. Through this, besides the more economic system layout, an easy scalability and a much better degree of flexibility can be achieved.
With this retrofit measure, psb underlines its corporate philosophy of operating in different industries: the broad range of system solutions and technologies can be applied in many industrial sectors, in order to realize highly efficient processes and to increase the productivity of the clients‘ businesses – also in frozen food environment.